Monday, April 4, 2011

San Sebastion for the weekend!

We have lucked out on weather here so far! Friday it was soo nice. I think around 85 but someone said 90! I love it and I went more. We went and hung out at the beach and got ice cream!

Twice I have not woke up to my alarm! I'm suppose to catch the bus at 8:35 on  school days and on Wednesday I woke up at about 8:15 to my host mom yelling "BET-A-NEY NO TIENES CLASE?! BET-A-NEY BET-A-NEY NO TIENES CLASE?!" Shoot. But I made it. The second time was Saturday. We went out Friday and again were out till past four. Probably went to bed at 5 and my alarm was set for 7:15 because we were going to San Sebastion for the weekend. This time at 8:45 I woke up to the same BET-A-NEY BET-A-NEY! Luckily I live right by the bus stop. Our bus didn't leave till 9:30 so I had time to pack my bag but I was still feeling last nights drinks so it was interesting to see what I brought when we got to San Sebastion. Socks but no shoes. Atleast I remembered my fuzzy :).

The bus ride to San Sebastion was about three hours long. We all pretty much caught up on our sleep the whole way. San Sebastion is beautiful!! Makes Santander look a little more ghetto ha. When we got there we went to the beach for a little bit until we could get into our hostel so that we could drop our bags off. We got a room for 15 euro and it included breakfast in the morning!  I definitely wasn't expecting the hostel to be as nice as it was. The four of us girls got our own room which was nice because we didnt have to worry about our bags. The two boys had to share a room with four other guys. After we got our rooms we went on a little hike to the top of this hill where there was a lighthouse. Great views. On our way up we passed this house playing live music on the balcony over looking the ocean and we could see a guy in a chicken suit, a wolf looking man, little red riding hood, etc.. They asked us where we were from and then asked if we wanted to come watch them shoot there music video. So we went up there was it was sooo cool. They had a choreographer and director there shooting live video and everyone had on crazy costumes. They got some videos of us so we are crossing our finger that maybe we make the behind the scence video :) haha we wish. I think the band was called laruba? I dont know but the music was actually pretty good. We didn't know what they were singing about but we liked it! Can't even explain how cool it was though.

After we finished our hike we went to the grocery store and got some food and went back to our hostel to make dinner (see mom we are trying to save money). We got ready and went out, met a bunch of people but called it a night at about two. It was raining when we woke up and we had to be out of the hostel by ten but our bus wasn't leaving for Santander till two. A group of students from all over that was staying at the hostel asked us if we wanted to ride back with them on bus they rented. They were heading to Santiago but said they would stop in Santander to drop us of. So we did. Another very unique experience. Im glad they didn't turn out to be American hunters. Still so much to see.

Five more french people moved into my apartment so its very cramped. They are just here for the week though and then they leave but im sure other people will move in. My host mom says I'm eating fish tonight for dinner. The first day I was here I told her I didn't like fish but she said (in spanish) "I know you don't like fish but I'm going to make it for dinner and you can eat it. You can try it and tell me if you like it." As nice as I could I told her i have tried it before I just dont like it but she is insisted that I try it again tonite. Super. I just had a fried ham and cheese sandwich things, with fried mushroms, salad, and fries.  I think I will be ok if I have to skip dinner.

Will write again soon!

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