Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Sometimes I can't believe this life is mine"

I’ve definitely have got better with food here and normally don’t mind anything she makes. The schedule however, still haven’t adapted. One bowl of cereal in the morning doesn’t hold me over until 3 pm with no snacks. I don’t get how they don’t snack here.  I feel very spoiled now growing up in a house with snacks always available or coming home from school and mom having a warm corn dog ready! Ah the little things. Anyways, I decided I would take matter into my own hands and solve the problem. I went snack shopping. I was a little worried my host mom was going to catch me coming back in but I was able to sneak into my room and hide everything in my suitcase. Unfortunately I have already eaten most of it and need to make another trip to the grocery store.
                Last Thursday I had a small oral test which I though went ok until I realized that she had actually asked me to describe a computer and not someone who is organized. Darn it! I hoping because it was the first test it will be more of a marker to see how much I improve. I can only do better. Tomorrow in class I have to give a ten minute presentation on anything I want. Still haven’t really decided what I want to talk about. Not really looking forward to that.
                Last week everyone in my group was set up with a local to be conversation partners. The locals are interested in learning English and us of course Spanish. It’s actually me and a friend that are paired up with the local. We met him yesterday and went for the longest walk. He had said that he wanted to show us around the city but I didn’t think he meant we would literally walk the city. Three and a half hours of straight bookin it. We were walking so fast that wind was too loud to even hear each other. At about hour three I was winded and had managed to get three new blisters. (Ow! Have to wear flip flops for the next three days) I was trying to take the bus back at one point but he wanted to show us three more miles of city. I’m sure when we left us he was thinking “lazy Americans.” While it was a lot of walking we did get to see some really cool stuff. We went up and saw this castle where the Queen of Spain would come stay in during the summer. We got to see a small little zoo with seals and cute little penguins. We saw about half a dozen beaches, minimum. Then we got to look at the golf course which looks pretty cool surrounded by the bay.
                Last night a group of us went for Mexican food and wow. Money well spent. I got a huge thing of fajitas and just about ate the entire thing. It was nice to be able to have say in what you were eating. It took us forever to decide what we wanted to eat because we were afraid we would mess up and we didn’t know when we were going to get this opportunity again. The place was kind of a rip of though. They were charging 2 euro for water and they only gave me four little baby tortillas which of course wasn’t enough. I asked for more they charged me 3 euro. But like I said so worth it!
                Every Sunday here they close down the tunnel right by my house and all these locals come and it’s pretty much a giant garage sale but worse. The tunnel is decent size though and there are a few good tables. I will probably go walk through it again today since it is so close. It’s fun just to people watch.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bethany--

    It sounds like you're having such a great time, and are starting to feel a little "at home" there! Thanks for sharing all your adventures with us!...I am physically in my office watching the rain fall, but vicariously living through you in a beautiful foreign city named Santander.

    Love you!

    P.S. Mom had CORN DOGS for you after school!?! What the heck!? I love corn dogs!

  3. sounds like things are going well. Are you starting to enjoy the food or is it just more bearable? Are therea lot of Rudy fans there? Go blazers!


  4. The food is good but nothing is full of flavor. You guys wouldn't believe what I've been eating Though! I ate duck and the other night for dinner I had a bowl of mushrooms with a little scrambled egg. Never would have thought I would eat that Huh? I haven't seen ay blazers fans yet actually.

    Sorry you guys are in the rain. We did see a little for a couple minutes yesterday
