Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pants are getting a little snug

Week three! I can't believe its already my third week here but at the same time it feels like I've been here forever.

        We went on a excursion for class to see some prehistoric caves. The first place we went to was actually pretty cool it was Cueva de la Castillo.  There was a bunch of caveman finger painting all over the rocks or "art". Then we went to Altamira which was only a replica of the cave because people were no longer allowed inside the caves.We got to see a more finger painting by a guy trying to be like a caveman on a bunch fake rocks. It probably would have been cooler if we hadn't just seen the real deal...or if I could have understood the tour guide. But there was  good company and it was still a good time. We also got to throw spears at a target. It took me a couple times but I finally hit it on our last try. Then we got to try shaping/carving rocks for spears. We used antlers to break the rock into a point. Its a very slow process. I didn't get very far.
      The weather has been amazing here! Thursday we all had our moms pack us a lunch so we could go straight to the beach after class. Unfortunately four hours at the beach with no sunscreen makes for some red skin! But I'm not complaining! We went to the beach again on Saturday. We were a little "tired" from friday night so  just went on took a nap on the beach. There are several beaches here, some facing north some south. So when its windy at one beach you can just go to another beach. I think I can get use to this!
     This new place opened up outside my apartment called Churreria Chocolateria. Very dangerous! They have churros served with a warm chocolate pudding type thing to dip in. Oh my. Heaven. I can see the place from my window and have to walk by it everyday. I had to cave and get one before dinner today. I wonder if they are still open?
     Everything is still going good with my host mom. She has figured me out pretty fast. She can tell when I don't really understand what she is saying and am just saying "si". I need to come up with a new game plan.
    Almost forgot I am here for school and have homework. Guess I should do that now. I will try and write again soon!



1 comment:

  1. You do know mom has to be SO jealous of you. Seriously....I think you may be living her dream. "Beach Hopping" and "Sun Chasing" and now a CHOCOLATE BAR !?!?!?

    just plain awesome!

    P.S. I think my favorite part of this story was "We all had our moms pack us a lunch" LOL (I dont think you were trying to be funny, which is what makes it so great.)

    LOVE YOU! xoxo
