Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Weekend in Paris!

                Well after Morocco I was super tired so I took advantage of the two days before we left for Paris to catch up some much needed sleep. Not really sure when happened in class those two days. Our flight left Thursday night. We had just enough time to go home and have lunch before we caught the bus to the airport. We had a pretty big group of 12 people going so I was pretty stoked. Unfortunately only half of us had reservations for a hostel that night because the other half were unable to find any availability. I of course was in the group with no reservations. Makes things more exciting.
                The airport we flew into was just outside Paris so we took a bus into the city. The bus ride took about an hour and a half I believe, maybe a little less. We had probably only been off the bus for about ten minutes when one of my friends realized her wallet was missing. We had all been warned several times and were trying to be very cautious so when we were walking she was telling me how she felt nervous about her wallet being in her backpack because there were people all around us. She stopped to take it out and literally it was gone. There is chance that she left it on the bus but these people are good at what they do and either way she didn’t have her wallet.
                Once again we found ourselves in a foreign country where they don’t speak our language and no idea of where we are heading. Some people don’t like this but honestly it is one of my favorite parts. If I am going to be lost any where I want it to be in a foreign city that I have never been to. Eventually the twelve of us were able to find our hostel. Well not our hostel but their hostel. My half was crossing our fingers that they were going to have availability but no such luck. The guy was nice though and offered to call a hostel nearby. Still no luck. We asked the guy if we could pay to just sleep on the floor but he didn’t go for it. As of now it looked like we were finding a park bench but he finally realized how desperate we were and he offered to rent out his flat to us and told us to make an offer. So we thought it over and offered 100 Euros; 16 a person. He then wanted to think it over and then came back and said 20 a person and it’s ours. With no other option we took the deal. I was a little afraid that he was just going to take our money and send us to some random place but it turned out to be pretty legit. We had a roof and a warm shower in the morning!

                That night half of us walked to the Eiffel Tower and wow! So amazing. I felt like a little kid. It is something you see allll the time but it was really something else to see it in person. Especially at night when it’s all lit up and every hour the whole thing literally sparkles. We weren’t out too late that night because we wanted to get an early start the next morning. We met up with the group first thing in the morning and we all went to see the Eiffel Tower again.  Next stop was the Arc de Triomphe. There we also ran into McDonalds and a huge H&M. We of course had to walk through it but we left frowning because we couldn’t buy anything. After that we went to the Louvre where the Monet Lisa. We went inside but we didn’t actually pay to see it. Last stop was the Notre Dame. We took some hunchback pictures there and then we decided to head back to our hostel to get ready for the night and try to get some energy after walking a million miles.

Moulin Rouge

                The next day we got do some more walking around the city and see Moulin Rouge and the Basilique du Sacre-Coeur before we left. Got into Santander around 9 and pretty much called it a night! Plans for this week: Tomorrow (Wednesday) try surfing after class, Thursday going for a hike, and Friday heading to Segovia, Burgos, and Toledo for our weekend excursion! Can’t wait. Time is flying by here. I haven't been able to upload my pictures so these are some I was able to steal! Miss ya'll!

Me and Terrill after Morocco at school


We were jammin in a little store in Morocco

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