Monday, May 16, 2011

Segovia, Toledo, and Burgos

Last Thursday I went on a hike in a town just outside Santander, Llerganes. It was about a fifteen-twenty minute train ride. We asked our teacher where we should go for a hike and she recommended Las Tetas, the mountains in Llerganes (I’ll let you guess how they got their name), but like always we weren’t really sure if it was an actual hike or a walk. Two of us showed up ready for a hike, me being one of them, and the other two showed up ready for a walk through the city. Turns out it was an actual hike. Probably took us about three hours. Instead of taking the trail that looped back and forth we decided to cut straight up the mountain. Made for some very cow poopy shoes. First time I had really exercised in a while so I was feeling it for the next couple days. The town was also known for having really good churros con chocolate so after our hike, with fifteen minutes till the next train arrived, we ran to the nearest restaurant to try them.
Las Tetas
At the top
Aqueduct in Segovia
Friday morning the whole program left for our weekend excursion. Our first stop was Segovia, a six hour bus ride away.  I tried to sleep for most of the ride but its dangerous sleeping on a bus with twenty-five other people. You are guaranteed to wake up at one point or another because someone is taking a picture of you sleeping. Fortunately, I was the one taking pictures most of the time. When you are on a bus for that long with little sleep its crazy how funny someone sleeping with their mouth open can be to you. Anyways, we got to Segovia and put our stuff in our hotels rooms and then went to lunch. After lunch we went and saw the Aqueduct, which was built ages ago to bring water from the mountains into the city.  The thing is massive and so long. The crazy part is that it was built with no cement or mortar, just blocks stacked on top of each other. After that we got to walk through a castle. Someone said it’s the castle that Cinderella’s castle was based off of but I’m not sure if they were lying. For the sake of the story let’s say they weren’t.
Cathedral at night
Saturday morning we got back on the bus and headed two hours south of Segovia to Toledo, which was a very pretty town. To be honest I can’t remember what all we saw there, I need to look at my pictures. I know we saw a cathedral because we saw one in everyone. Pretty sure we saw another castle too. Basically we saw a lot of really cool buildings and learned a lot about their religion. We went back to Segovia before dinner and stayed another night there. Sunday we stopped at Burgos on our way home to Santander. That by the way was weird to say, calling Santander “home.”Anyways, in Burgos we same some giant building right when we got there but none of us really sure where we were. After that we had lunch, went and saw another cathedral, walked around looking at some more stuff in the city and then headed home. Overall it was a really good weekend. Got to see some really cool stuff and eat some really good food. One of the new things I tried there was morcilla which is rice and blood. It was actually really good to.
Another week of classes and then I am off to London! Still don’t have a hostel but I don’t think I’m going to try and push my lock again. Think we will try to book something tonite! Time is flying by, my mom will be here in no time!

Best part of the day: Lunch

People trying to sleep on the bus


I HATE when they say we are getting dessert and they bring out this crap!

Another sleeper

Weirdest lunch. A community salad and a plate of meat. Good things this was only our first course.


I think this is Toledo

Model of the Cathedral in Burgos

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