Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Still Kicking :)

So much has happened I don't even know where to start..

The reason I haven't wrote is because of a little issue I had with my electronics. What I think happened is I tried to use my hair dryer with my converter but apparentely my converter says 'don't use with heating appliances'. Anyways i think that fried my my converter and then I tried to just plug it in with just an adapter...not good! Sparks instantly, lost power, and now my hair dryer doesn't work.  Needless to say I was a little hesitant to plug anything in after that. Not to mention how embarassing that was trying to tell my mom, in spanish, that I tried to use the hair dryer and now we dont have power...

We went out on saturday and it was pretty fun to say the least :). Kind of a late birthday celebration. The majority of our group down here went to a bar at about eleven and we were the first ones there. Its wasn't for another hour or two till people started showing up and then before you knew the whole town was out. I thought they were exaggerating when they said the night starts later but no..it really does. Two to four am is prime time. I didn't help us that there was also a time change that night and the clocks were set pushed an hour. So we got home a four thirty but its was really 5:30 and I think I was the first one up at 3:30pm (made a good impression with my mom the first weekend). Of course then i took a nap four to six. Never slept so much but its kinda go go go here. It was fun to go out though and try..key word try.. to talk to the locals. They love american music here. I wasn't expecting that. They play it in all the bars and stores. I was in a store the other day and they were playing 'smack that' the unedited version. I always wonder if they know what its saying. In fact my mom is listening to 'dyanmite' right now...strange.

Today was our first day of classes. There not to shabby. We have grammar, communications, and then culture. I think I will probably stay awake for grammar and communications but sleep during culture. Its kind of a far walk, atleast in the morning, so I got a bus pass and me and a guy that leaves by me take the bus in the morning and then just walk home after school.

The only problem I have really had here is the food. I hate to complain about it because I dont see it getting any better so I might as well suck it up but WHAT THE HECK IS SHE FEEDING ME?!
Things I have ate..
* Salad with hard boiled eggs and about two tablespoons of salt just in my bowl with oil for dressing
* Some grey slab of meet with salt on top (I think it was the neighbors cat)
*Cold rice bread thing with a thick layer of mayonaise on top that sat out all day ( which by the way is so weird. They make food in the morning and then leave it out till dinner)
*Hamburger patty with lettuce soaked in oil.
Most of the time I try to take bites with out having to chew so maybe I dont have to taste it. Or I feed it to Tango, the dog, when my mom leaves the room. But hey lets stay positive..

Today after school and siesta time I went out with some friends to a cafe and we got wine for a 1.5 euro and then we went to another one ( We are trying to find the bars that give you free tapas, or snacks, when you get a drink) and there we got some beer and a ham and brie bread tapa. Pretty good. We wanted a basket of bread to go with our second beer and  we when were explaining what we wanted I chimed in the 'como el" or "like him" pointing to the guy next to us and I guess I actually ordered us the meal that he had :( Ooops. Need more practice I guess. Of course it was some kind of fish too..my favorite. Atleast it was a good time.

Here when you greet someone you kiss both cheeks..well I forgot about that today. This guy tried to kiss my cheek and I was pulling away, probably with a face of disgust, thinking he was trying to smell me or something. :) Oops again.

 We are hoping to go to San Sebastion this weekend. Its not to far from Santander and we could probably just take a bus and go for a long day. I wish I could post pictures but no USB cord. Once I take a little more I might give my card to a friend to put the picture on the flash drive so I can have them. So much more to say but so tired!


Friday, March 25, 2011

First Day

       I just woke up from a nap. I wasn't able to get much sleep on the plane ride(s). Atleast I was sitting by the only other person on the plane that couldn't sleep. Between yahtzee, food, and movies the flight wasn't really that bad but I was more then ready to get off. When we landed in Santander we were able to take a bus into the center of the city for about two euros. My apartment was just around the corner but I thought it would be fun to walk up and down the street with all my luggage looking like I was lost. I realized that I just had to step out of my comfort zone if I wanted to find my house and ask someone for help. I lucked out and asked the right person, she is Nieves (my host moms neighbor).
      Nieves is very nice. I had NO idea what she was saying when I first walked in so she called her son and he translated for us. I guess I have to go stay at grandmas tonight but I'm not sure why. Its just around the corner though. I'm kind of thinking that I don't have a bed or bedroom because I had to take a nap on the couch and my stuff is just in the living room. Maybe the couch is my bed?
     She has a dog but its not Lilly. He is a big ol boxer and I think his tongue might be permanently stuck out? He keeps hitting my screen with it. Right now he is snoring at my feet. I guess I already made a friend.
     Other news  that Matthew might like to hear is that there are two toilets in the bathroom. One regular and one bidet which I have no idea how to use. I might have to google that. Until then I will just stick with the regular one.
     Nieves is cooking dinner right now. Looks like spaghetti and wine. I think she is having guests over too. Great, more people to look like a fool in front of :).
     Ok I think thats is for now. Very excited to be here. Not too bad of a birthday. I think the worst part is over; finding my apartment and meeting my mom.  I'm going to get ready for dinner and then probably to grandmas to get some rest. I hope tomorrow is as sunny as it was today :)
